InReach Finance is a Authorised Credit Representative of DMEE Holdings PTY LTD ACL 469248


Privacy Act Acknowledgement and Authorisation must be signed by all applicants prior to a Credit Report being undertaken without exception. All information provided must be true and correct in order to obtain an accurate Credit Report.

Applicant 1

Applicant 2

Sex (Please Tick):
Sex (Please Tick):

Privacy Clause To Undertake A Credit Report

Authority for an agent to obtain an individual’s credit information file held by credit reporting agency (Privacy Act 1988).

    I/We hereby authorise InReach Finance to:

  • Act as my/our agent in seeking access to my/our consumer credit information file by a credit reporting agency.
  • Consent for our name(s), contact details and the purpose for which the credit is sought to be passed onto the licensee or registered person of a registered finance broker.
  • Further that I/We fully acknowledge and understand that In Reach Finance is requesting personal information from me/us regarding the following:

  • Veda will disclose information to InReach Finance about me/us for the purpose of conducting credit checks.
  • InReach Finance will furnish my/our personal information to Veda and that Veda will subsequently hold that on a database and use it to provide
    their reporting service.
  • InReach Finance mayuse Veda credit reporting in the future for purposes relating to credit provisions. The mayalso include using Veda’s
    monitoring services to receive updates should any information held about me/us is amended or altered.

    This authority only applies to enquiries made by In Reach Finance in connection with an application, or proposed application for credit. Please note:

  1. Veda Advantage (NZ) Limited is also one of the intended recipients of the information
  2. InReach Finance collects an individual’s personal information of the purpose of ascertaining whether a client is eligible for a loan.
  3. Thepurpose forcollecting such information is toprovide InReachFinance withcorrect andaccurate informationto determine whetheraclient
    is eligible to apply for a loan. More over to determine whether it is feasible to further proceed with the application.
  4. Should an applicant/s refuse to allow InReach Finance to obtain credit information,InReach Finance reserves the right to stop the application
    to purchase a home as such refusal will not allow InReach Finance to lodge a financial loan at any institution in Australia.
  5. The Applicant/s may contact Veda to access their personal credit information and if such information held is incorrect they may
    request correction.
  6. Credit check enquiries will be conducted by InReach Finance in Australia and where so applicable in other jurisdictions such as New Zealand.
Applicant 1 Signature
Applicant 2 Signature
Your Broker's Name :